How to Stand on a Paddleboard

How do you stand on a paddleboard? This is one of the most commonly asked questions I receive working in the SUP industry. With a little bit of instruction and guidance anyone can stand on Stand Up Paddle Board.

I recommend that everyone start off paddle boarding while sitting or kneeling. The kneeling stance is best to help your body get used to balancing on the board. However if you have knee problems then sitting on the SUP board is best.

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Balancing on a SUP Board

Most people wonder how they will ever keep their balance on a Stand Up Paddle Board. I promise, it’s not as complicated as it might seem! First of all, you do not start off standing on the board. A simple kneeling stance is the best way to start learning how to keep your balance on the SUP board. The kneeling position will help your muscles to gain stability on the board; as your thighs, glutes, abs, shoulders and back muscles are all engaged in this activity.

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